Friday, December 29, 2006

Smith Excavation and Labor, LLC

For whatever reason, we have zero photo's of our driveway prior to the windstorm, so I can't show you what things looked like with these three trees standing. On top of that, when we moved in, the area to the left was not gravel and a shed, but mud and blackberry bushes. To date we've removed probably 8 to 10 old stumps in this area, by digging around them and towing them out. The digging is horrible, the towing is pretty fun! Last year we brought in 48 yards of gravel (68 tons) and raised the left area by about two feet. We'll probably have to bring in another 12 to 24 yards to fill in the hole where these trees were. It does open up the driveway though...

First Storm:
Second storm:
Cleanup (so far...):

1 comment:

chumly said...

Trees are beautiful until they fall. I hope you have a fireplace.