Monday, August 13, 2007

Trip to the Ocean

I'm going to do a little vacation catch-up. We've been out and about some this summer, but I haven't shared any pictures. We'll start with our trip to the ocean last week. We spent a few days on the Washington coast and here are some pictures:

Baby camper...camping will be easier when she's a few years older.

Contemplation and Reflection

A little more deep thinking and appreciating.

A lot of the trees over there have odd bulges in the middle - I'd like to know what they are and why there's there. Anyone know anything about this?

These next pictures are of the kids at the "Big Cedar Tree". That's what the sign on the road says to direct you to it and it is, indeed, a big cedar tree.

This is Emma inside the Big Cedar Tree.

Surfer dude...or skimmer dude.

Busy, busy.

There's that skimmer dude again.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

Since no one else is chiming in, I did a little looking around and found that the tree growths are called "burls". There is some interesting information compiled at a website called Ask a Scientist.

Janet said...

Ahhh...we love the pictures! Thanks so much for sharing them.

We always thought the burls were caused by a fungus or disease. They are sought after by some woodworkers.

carol said...

Thanks, you guys. I knew you'd come through for me on that, Brad. That's interesting that woodworkers especially want them, Mom (or Dad, maybe). Thank you.