Saturday, August 9, 2008

Online Relationships

Why people go through all the effort to put together a ceremony to “renew” their vows, I do not know. It can be so easily done these days with Facebook. Toby just sat me down and told me to respond to his official request to join that I received in email several days ago...and I did. While filling out my profile, he told me he would do something on the website so we’d be listed as married to each other. I was then informed online that Toby Smith would like to add me as “spouse”. I was asked, “Would you like to confirm this relationship?” I had two buttons from which I could choose: “Confirm” or “Ignore”. I thought about it for a minute...and then went ahead and confirmed.

“You are now in a relationship with Toby Smith”, I was told. Simple as that. Could have saved my parents a lot of money on that wedding if there had been Facebook twelve years ago.

Now I’m really laughing. I went back to finish my “profile” and it now says I’m married to Toby Smith and under that it has a place I can click that says “Cancel Relationship”.

I thought about adding my sister, Gail, as my first friend, but it told me she would have to confirm the friendship and I decided the possible rejection was too much for me to bear so I decided to wait.

Each time I am faced with a new technological possibility, I progress through five stages (you saw this happen with the blog):
1. Ignorance
2. Refusal (because these things always seem cheesy to me at first or because "I don't have time.")
3. Reluctant concession (usually for my husband)
4. Enthusiasm
5. Abdication

I’m at stage three so you can probably expect to eventually see more of me on Facebook...and then don’t be surprised when I disappear again.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! That was a great post Carol!

I started a profile on Facebook, but I had a couple people I barely remember from high school send me a friend request. I didn't want to reject them, but I really didn't want to accept them either. So, I went straight to step 5 and closed my account. Maybe I just don't know the facebook etiquette.

Gail said...

Hello little sis, I would so not reject you, and you know it. I would love to be your friend on facebook. Great post sis. I am pretty surprised that you are on facebook. I am finally getting into facbook, it has taken me months to figure out what I am doing and now they have changed design and so I have to relearn.