Sometimes everyday, ordinary life seems very interesting and newsworthy but sometimes it just seems ordinary – this week has been like that. Everything seems pretty normal and boring around here. Right now Emma has all the pots and pans laid out on the floor like a drum set – she is dressed in all black and her hair is hanging in her face so she looks the part. Jake is writing his spelling words over and over on the white board next to me. Ryan is walking Jessie around the house, doing his best to avoid the rest of his schoolwork and chores. I type a few words; stop to quiz Jake on his spelling words; type another few words; get up to pull Jessie out of the bathroom; type a few more words; stop to tell Ryan to get to work; type a bit more...By now, nobody is still doing what I said they were doing a sentence ago. Jake has moved on to another school project and Ryan is doing literature with Emma – this is something they’ve only been doing for a month or so. They’re working through a list of pre-school kids’ books – gives Ryan practice reading aloud and makes Emma very happy. Since there’s not any interesting news, I’ll give you some pictures from the week, now. This first one shows a normal weekday lunch - the kids all fight over that thing that holds up a book. I wouldn't know where to get another one - we have this one becasue the realtor who sold this house left it in our hall closet holding fliers for the house and his business cards. In the second one, Jessie is eating a pear, in case you can't tell what that is. Ok, I've got to go - I'm needed for Bible and History.

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