Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A couple certain members of the family had a few days of quite a lot of bickering and another certain member of the family was really tired of listening to it and decided the best thing for an attitude adjustment, in this case, was a lot of really hard work – together.
So, the boys were set to work yesterday, hauling the pile of wood Toby had chopped the previous day, across the yard to stack it.

I didn’t think to take a picture before they started,
but in this picture they were well over half-way done.

These were not small pieces of wood – I was surprised Jake could even lift them.

They figured out on their own to use the wheelbarrow and wagon – smarter than me – I would have carried them one-by-one.

Nearly three hours later, they’re hauling out the very last piece.
It was so big they had to lift it together.
Mission accomplished – times two – big pile of wood stacked and boys working together.



Lon said...

Those ARE big pieces of wood!
What a smart mom!!

Linz said...

I remember one occasion where my sister and I had been arguing a lot my mom had us wash all the windows in the house. I was on the inside and she was on the outside...of the same window! Moms think up some pretty clever stuff.